What a week I have had!! I went on many adventures and had lots of fun! I also was able to have a lot of spiritual experiences! So, all in all, mission life is amazing!
First, my adventures! So we walk out in the mountains every now and again and there's this HUGE rock off the beaten path. Every time we walk by it I think, "Man, it would be an awesome picture if we were to climb up there." This week I decided to make that day dream a reality! Let's just say it was a little harder than it looked. The pictures turned out as cool as I thought they would though so it was all worth it!!
We also had exchanges this week. I was able to leave my area and work with a new companion for a day. It was so fun!! I loved seeing a different area and meeting new investigators. The area where I went was really pretty. It was more up in the mountains than my area and has beautiful views, especially at sunset!!
I was also able to go to the mission home this week for follow up training. All the trainers went to the kitchen and filled out a questionnaire about their companion. We all basically vented about the problems we are having and how hard training is. They gave us some good tips and inspirational words. It was really good to see some of my batch mates there!
We also got to see a special performance of the Haka dance, which is a war dance of the Maori people of New Zealand. It shows their tribal pride, strength, and loyalty. Elder Solomon performed the Haka for Elder Haisila who is returning home soon to thank him for his help and kindness when Elder Solomon was new in the mission. It was cool to see the Haka performed in person and up close...kinda scary, too, as you can tell from some of the sister's faces!
Now for my spiritual insert of the week. This week our companionship motto is JTL or Jayaweera Takes the Lead. Basically, I'm handing the reigns over to my new companion who has only been here for 5 weeks. Anyways, we were in a lesson with a less-active family. The dad was our focus for less-active return, but he works abroad now so we focus on the whole family. The mom doesn't have any confidence in her spirituality since her husband left. They aren't sealed in the temple and she doesn't feel worthy to fulfill her calling as Relief Society teacher so she just doesn't go to church. Sister Jayaweera shared a scripture and was conducting the whole lesson. At the end, she turned to me to wrap it up. Now I hate to say it, but my mind was elsewhere throughout the whole lesson. I was trying to keep their little kids quiet so the adults could have an uninterrupted conversation. Well, the time came for me to support whatever Sister Jayaweera said and bear my testimony about it as well. I had no idea what to say so I just started talking. I could feel the Holy Ghost so strong. I can't remember all that I said and I have no idea why I said it but I was tearing up and the mom was crying, too. I just felt like I really needed to tell her that Heavenly Father loves her. I knew that it was true. I could feel the love He has for her and I did my best to convey it to her. I know that God is our Heavenly Father and that he loves each and everyone of us. He doesn't want us to be hard on ourselves or have self doubts because we are his children and he loves us no matter our faults or weaknesses! I am so thankful for this knowledge in my life.
I am so happy here and I know that this gospel is true. I can see the change it makes in peoples lives, including my own. I love you all and I love getting all your emails and letters!!
Sister Miller